90 day program to lead like the woman you want to be.




Embrace your true self and lead with the strength of a woman who knows her worth. EMPOWER HER. is your gateway to embodying your feminine energy in every aspect of your life.

8 Women Only - 21 May 2024.

It's Time to Reconnect with Your Feminine Essence.

  • Feeling pulled in every direction?

  • Are you juggling roles as a leader, a director, a mother, a sister, or/and a lover?

  • Do you often feel the pressure to be someone you're not just to meet external expectations?

  • Are you longing for more balance, confidence, and joy?

The weight of it all can leave you feeling drained, uninspired, even depressed. EMPOWER HER. is your chance to rediscover the power of your femininity.


3 months: £333

  1. Your energy levels are at an all-time low, and you feel stuck in a never-ending cycle.

  2. Your to-do list seems insurmountable, and you're drowning in responsibilities.

  3. Conflicts and disconnection have become the norm in your relationships.

  4. Resistance and self-doubt are holding you back.

  5. You crave more "me" time and pleasure in your life.

  6. Your mind is always racing, leaving you mentally exhausted.

This programme is for you if:

A Holistic Approach to Leadership

In EMPOWER HER., we dive deep into actionable steps to help you become the radiant, confident woman who leads with her heart, whether you're in the boardroom or the bedroom.

In this 90 day programme, you will:

  • Find balance between your feminine and masculine energies.

  • Cultivate habits that truly serve your well-being.

  • Rediscover the joy of self-care and pleasure.

  • Boost your energy to pursue your passions.

  • Ignite the spark in your relationships.

  • Seamlessly integrate your feminine and masculine leadership qualities.

  • Small and intimate group - Max 8 people.


3 months: £333

  • “Elodie has helped me prioritise and create a strategy tailored to my specific goals. She is a strong female role model.”

    Elena, London, Marketing Manager

  • “My experience of Elodie is as a highly accomplished, multi-talented and focused professional who radiates warmth through her whole person coaching approach.”

    Lyn Page

  • “ Elodie has helped me to tap into my feminine energy which has helped me become more creative and approach goal setting in an entirely different way. She is wise, patient, kind and has this magical presence which makes you feel totally unstoppable!”

    Nicole Elizabeth

80% of women suffer from some kind of hormone imbalance.*

Women are twice as likely to develop clinical depression as men.*

80% of women struggle with low self-esteem at work.*

63.1% of women are more likely to petition for divorce (UK).*

*Data from various online sources

What to expect:

We’ll be together for 90 days as a small group focusing on key aspects of feminine leadership development:

  • Duration: 90 days, 3 months.

  • Live Calls: 4 x 90 minutes sessions, including Q&A.

  • Recording: All sessions available for you to revisit.

  • Pre-Work: Get started before the live calls.

  • Resources: Access a downloadable folder to support your journey.

  • Progress Tracking: Keep a booklet to record your insights.

  • Community: Join our WhatsApp group for ongoing support and monthly challenges.


3 months: £333 then price goes up.

Meet your Mentor

CONNECT WITH ME @Elodie_Levasseur

This new program EMPOWER HER. , is based on my experience as a former International Marketing leader traveling the world, 2 years running my own business (and actually making money!), doing various training on neuroscience, positive psychology and the sacred feminine, going through the ups and downs, discovering who I was, healing, and embracing my feminine leadership super power: Softness. 

EMPOWER HER. is an elevated program over 3 months to feminine embodiment - so that it becomes a new way of life for you. 

I am an entrepreneur and a Neuro Coach with a focus on leadership, spirituality and embodied practices.

My mission is to help you become an extraordinary leader by reconnecting and loving all parts of your being. 

I use a holistic coaching approach with the logical part of the brain, the heart and the body. With my training in neuroscience coaching, mindfulness, meditation, dance and sacred feminine as well as my 17 years experience as an international marketing strategist leading teams around the world, I bring a different depth to my coaching techniques. 

By the end of the program, you'll:

1.Operate from a place of flow.

2. Strengthen your leadership skills.

3. Feel confident and fulfilled, whether you're single or in a relationship.

4. Know what thriving in all areas of
your life truly means.

5. Lead on your own terms.

6. Be ready to take calculated risks toward your dreams.

Course Breakdown:

Online Live calls will happen on:

  • Tuesday 21 May 2024 / 6.30pm - 8.30pm UK time 

  • Tuesday 25 June 2024 / 6.30pm - 8.30pm UK time 

  • Tuesday 30 July 2024 / 6.30pm - 8.30pm UK time

  • Tuesday 27 August 2024 / 6.30pm - 8.30pm UK time


3 months: £333


"Embracing Your Feminine Essence"

Explore the foundational principles of feminine leadership:

  • Understand Feminine and Masculine Energies, and how they manifest in leadership styles and in your life.

  • Learn to embrace vulnerability and authenticity as a source of strength and authenticity to build trust and connection.

  • Identify your core values and discover how these values can guide your leadership journey.

  • Explore effective communication techniques that foster empathy and deep understanding in both personal and professional relationships.


“Leading with Emotional Intelligence”

Delve into the importance of emotional intelligence in feminine leadership:

  • Understand emotional intelligence and its significance in leadership roles.

  • Learn strategies for developing emotional resilience and managing stress.

  • Deepen your empathy and active listening abilities for improved communication.

  • Explore how emotional intelligence can enhance conflict resolution skills and promote collaboration within teams and communities.


“Embodying Feminine Leadership”

Dive into the practice of embodying feminine leadership and prioritising pleasure in your life:

  • Explore the concept of embodying feminine leadership, which goes beyond external behaviours to become an integral part of one's identity and presence.

  • Explore the importance of pleasure as a source of vitality, creativity, and overall well-being.

  • Learn how to cultivate self-care practices and self-love, essential for maintaining a strong foundation as feminine leaders.

  • Discover practices that will help you to stay present, reduce stress, and fully embrace the pleasure and self-care aspects of feminine leadership.


“Balancing Feminine and Masculine Energies”

Let’s focus on achieving a balance between feminine and masculine energies:

  • Explore how you can integrate both your feminine and masculine qualities in leadership and personal life situations.

  • Explore how to bring feminine leadership principles into personal relationships, including romantic partnerships, family dynamics, and friendships.

  • Learn the importance of setting healthy boundaries to prevent burnout and maintain well-being.

  • Discover strategies for balancing work, responsibilities, and self-indulgence to create a fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle.


  • Calls will take place on

    Calls are on Zoom (online) for about 90 minutes long for a lesson, work session, and Q&A - you'll have access to all recordings for life.

  • The calls will mostly focus on teaching, taking action, and practicing what you've learned, which will make up about 70% of the time. The remaining 30% will be dedicated to answering any questions you may have based on what we've covered.

    In this program, you'll have the opportunity to create your own personalised "embodiment plan," but the key is to follow through and take the necessary steps to put it into action.

    I will provide guidance to help you become more feminine, sensual, confident, and aligned with your true self.

    EMPOWER HER. is all about putting what you've learned into action and realigning your life accordingly. It's a program that emphasises taking action and making a commitment to your personal growth.

  • Absolutely, there will be practices to help you truly embody and put into action what you're learning. This program is all about taking action and making positive changes in every aspect of your life.

    Embodiment happens as you take these action steps and make adjustments in your life to fully embrace the principles of EMPOWER HER. So, yes, the embodiment aspect is fully integrated into the practical steps and changes you'll be making throughout the program.

  • I understand that you might be worried about not having enough time or feeling overwhelmed right now.

    However, if you're feeling overwhelmed, that's actually a strong reason to consider joining EMPOWER HER.

    The program is designed to help you gain better control over your time and reduce overwhelm. So, if you think you don't have time, it might be even more important for you to participate because it can help you manage your time and stress in a positive way. It's all about giving you the tools to feel more in control of your life.